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Members of the Supervisory Board of UzGasTrade JSC

Full name


Abdulla Nigmatovich Aripov

Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ishmetov Timur Aminjanovich

Member of the Supervisory Board - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Norkulov Ilkhom Ibrokhimovich

Member of the Supervisory Board - First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Akhmedkhadzhaev Azim Israilovich

Member of the Supervisory Board - First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Zhumanazarov Akmal Ruzikulovich

Member of the Supervisory Board - Head of the Cabinet of Ministers Department





Executive Agency of UzGasTrade JSC

Full name


Narmatov Bekhzot Rakhmatullayevich

Chairman of the Management Board

Tulyaganov Rustam Ergashovich

Acting First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board

Kuziev Ihtiyor Bakhtierovich

Head of the Legal Division (member of the executive body)







UzGasTrade JSC public documents
Strategies and investment projects

UzGasTrade Joint Stock Company was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to reform the natural gas market" dated 06/15/2022 No. PP-280 and it is entrusted with the functions of buying and selling natural gas in a centralized manner. Due to the fact that the Joint-Stock Company "UzGasTrade" does not directly participate in the processes of extraction, processing and production of energy resources, the Company currently does not plan to implement investment projects.

Committee on Appointments and Remuneration

Committee on Appointments and Remuneration

Anti-Corruption and Ethics Committee

Anti-Corruption and Ethics Committee

Internal Audit Service

Structure of the Internal Audit Service of the Joint-stock company

Strategy and Investment Committee

Due to the lack of investment projects, the Company has not established an Investment and Strategy Committee.

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